Isaacs' move no done deal

HOMESICK ?: Bidvest Wits striker Erwin Isaacs Photo: Gallo Images
HOMESICK ?: Bidvest Wits striker Erwin Isaacs Photo: Gallo Images

THE promised deal to take Erwin Isaacs to struggling Chippa United is no foregone conclusion and there is still a chance he might stay at Bidvest Wits, despite a lean six-month spell at Milpark.

The transfer of the mercurial striker from Wits to United was expected to be the first piece of business of the new transfer window - it had been confidently trumpeted by the Cape side's coach, Farouk Abrahams, much to the irritation of the Johannesburg club, who felt details should not have been made public.

But Wits are insisting this is no done deal and while they admit discussions with United, they say it is a long way from being concluded.

Wits' chief executive Jose Ferreira said yesterday he still wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Isaacs, who has not been part of coach Antonio Lopez's plans since September.

"I think he can still play a big role for us in the second half of the season. We are not rushing into anything nor are we looking to make money out of the player," Ferreira said.

United had proposed a R3-million deal to take Isaacs back to Cape Town, just six months after he left relegated Santos for the Highveld.

The player has managed but a single goal since his move and found his playing time limited.

It is suggested he is unhappy away from the Cape, which he alluded to in a recent newspaper interview in which he spoke of times at Santos when he faked injury in order not to have to travel out of the city on away trips.

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