Ngcongca's Genk face heated Europa battle

BAFANA Bafana fullback Anele Ngcongca faces playing in 37ºC heat tomorrow when his Belgian club Racing Genk go up against Kazakhstan opposition in the Europa League.

Genk, who competed in the European Champions League last season, have a precarious 2-1 lead in their tie against Aktobe and must defend their advantage in potentially extreme heat away in the second leg on the fringes of the central Asian desert.

Genk's squad travelled on a five-hour flight yesterday to spend an extra day acclimatising to the heat, which can reach a high of 45ºC, and a three-hour time difference, according to coach Mario Been, who is concerned about conditions.

Cape Town-born Ngcongca, who is now in his fifth season at the club, could be shifted from right-back to the centre of defence as Genk hope to keep their one-goal lead intact. Been has hinted that he is tempted to use the South African's experience in a key position.

But their hosts have an advantage in having scored an away goal in the first leg in Belgium last Thursday.

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