World cup wins make Le Clos a contender

TOUGH OLYMPIC DEBUT: Giant-killer Chad le Clos . PhotO: Anesh Debiky/Gallo Images
TOUGH OLYMPIC DEBUT: Giant-killer Chad le Clos . PhotO: Anesh Debiky/Gallo Images

WHILE his sights are set on Rio de Janeiro in four years' time, Chad le Clos could taste Olympic glory earlier than planned at the London Games this year. He will, however, be stretched in the English capital, competing in seven events in the swimming pool.

Le Clos first made a splash in the international arena in 2010 when he won five medals at both the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore and the Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

At the time he was as a matriculant at Westville Boys' High School near Durban. He was also crowned world short-course champion in the 200m butterfly in Dubai that same year. The 20-year-old won the Swimming World Cup series at the end of last year.

He emulated Ryk Neethling and Cameron van der Burgh, both former overall winners of the World Cup, bagging 23 gold, 10 silver and two bronze medals for a total haul of 35.

"I'm definitely a medal contender for the Olympic Games next year," Le Clos said at the time. His successes on the World Cup circuit make him a serious medal prospect for the Games.

Le Clos also defeated 14-time Olympic champion Michael Phelps.

"It was huge," Le Clos said. However, he still needs to replicate his performance from the short course in the Olympic-sized pool.

National coach and mentor Graham Hill believes his charge has what it takes to win a medal in London.

"Bearing in mind it will be his first Olympics, there is no doubt he will be a medal contender," Hill said.

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