Brussow makes return for Boks

FREE State flank Heinrich Brüssow has been added to the Springbok squad for the home leg of the Tri-Nations after coming though 25 minutes of Currie Cup rugby at the weekend.

On Friday Bok coach Peter de Villiers omitted Brüssow from a 24-man squad for clashes against Australia and New Zealand in Durban and Port Elizabeth, but did say if he came through the Currie Cup encounter he would be added to the group.

Brüssow, who has been out of rugby for almost two months with a hamstring strain, played without discomfort during the Cheetahs 28-22 win over Western Province in Bloemfontein.

The 25-year-old poacher quickly reminded fans, selectors and opponents why he was the most feared openside flank in the world in 2009, before injuries wreaked havoc with his career.

He made two vital steals in the closing minutes of the game and slowed WP ball at crucial times. His impact on the game undoubtedly robbed the Cape side of momentum at the breakdown.

Brüssow came on with the Cheetahs trailing 16-15 and unsurprisingly changed the outcome.

The nuggety backrower was the best poacher when referees were instructed to be harder on the attacking team at the breakdown. But in the last 18 months referees have come down harder on tacklers who do not show daylight after felling their man. Brüssow appears to have adapted well.

"The breakdown has changed a little since 2009," Brüssow said. "Referees make it more difficult.

"But the guys who were good at stealing the ball in 2009 are still good at it today. Richie McCaw stole about three balls against the Springboks in Wellington and he slowed a lot of ball.

"Maybe the one aspect of the game that's even more vital now is that the fetcher has to slow the ball more effectively and not only turn it over. By slowing the ball it allows the defence time to regroup."

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