READER LETTER | Doctors’ commitment needs to be rewarded

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It is gratifying to learn that the minister of health has committed himself to find placement for more than 800 recently qualified doctors.

This is a step in the right direction to address the shortage of doctors in particular and healthcare workers in general. Sadly, it had to take a march and demonstrations by these doctors to various government departments across the country to raise concern about unemployment.

These are the people who have completed nine years of training (six years undergraduate training plus two years internship and one community service). They are motivated by the love to serve their communities and their efforts to address the shortage of healthcare workers in this country.

It is indeed a slap in the face to be trained all these years and then struggle to find employment at the end of it. These doctors must be commended for choosing the public sector, they are sacrificing the “riches ” of the private sector.

These doctors are not leaving for better opportunities abroad, they a recommitted to improving health care delivery in this country. Not only must they be employed, but must also be given posts that will allow them to study further to become specialists in their respective fields.

Xilumani Nghotsa email

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