READER LETTER | Connect youth with a 'library in their pocket'

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Physical libraries play a vital role in our communities, offering a wealth of knowledge and resources.

However, they come with inherent challenges that can restrict access to many individuals. The distance to the nearest library may be prohibitive, travel conditions unsafe, transportation costs burdensome or operational hours may not accommodate young people’s schedule.

Considering there are only 1,809 public libraries nationwide, the current infrastructure places considerable strain on resources, with more than than11,000 young individuals potentially relying on a single library concurrently.

Recognising the challenges associated with traditional library access, we must turn towards the use of technology. Digital, mobile applications that serve as a “library in your pocket” represent a groundbreaking advancement in SA’s mission to elevate literacy rates and enhance our youth’s critical thinking.

This approach not only democratises access to educational resources but also aligns with the digital habits of today’s youth, offering a practical and effective solution to the literacy challenges we face. Contrary to popular belief, young people love to read. With access to a mini-library on a cell phone, they can read, share and discuss literary material online with their peers.

Lea-Anne Moses, email

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