READER LETTER | Genuine, lasting peace is needed to save lives in war-torn Middle East

An aerial view shows houses and buildings destroyed by Israeli strikes in Gaza City.
An aerial view shows houses and buildings destroyed by Israeli strikes in Gaza City.

It is indeed tragic that powerful nations laid the seeds of anarchy, chaos and massive bloodshed in war-afflicted areas of the world.

It is only diplomacy that can bring about tranquillity in this crisis. Sadly, there are outside forces who are manipulating events for their own selfish purposes. Scores of people of every religion are killed across the Middle East every day.

More than 30,000 innocent civilians have been killed in Gaza without prominence in the global media. The biased media do not publish these deaths in banner headlines.

When Westerners are killed, the world goes into mourning. The circumstances in the Middle East are unique and require a more holistic approach. Success will depend largely on a multidimensional perspective that brings together the energies and insights of a range of state and non-state actors.

The Middle East is so loaded with war, potential and the prospects for peace are so dim that any plan for peace deserves our attention. The areas of conflict are so explosive and dangerous that every stone must be overturned to see if there is a means of a just, honourable, lasting peace situation.

Diplomacy is a must today and the first step in establishing it is forgetting the past, ignoring polemical arguments and giving precedence to common points. War is folly which does not provide the security it promises.

Only genuine peace will save us from total and utter destruction. It was Victor Hugo who said: “Peace is the virtue of civilisation, war is its crime.” Death and destruction stalk the entire Middle East. Humanity pleads for sanity and peace in Gaza.

Farouk Araie, Benoni

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