READER LETTER | We don’t need recycled politicians

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Image: Alaister Russell/The Sunday Times/ File photo

The upcoming elections in SA offer an opportunity for political parties to contest for the votes of South Africans.

These parties often misrepresent themselves, claiming they are going to improve the lives of our people. The majority of these emerging parties claim they will rescue South Africans from corruption and maladministration of public funds, when they are made up of individuals who have in fact been in government since the dawn of our democracy.

The question voters need to ask those individuals is how they, who led the state into ruin while they had the power to change the fortunes of many South Africans who are confronted by problems like unemployment, poor services, corruption, lack of accountability and load shedding – which has now become part of their lives – will save our people.

We do not need the recycling of faces who claim to speak on behalf of the poor and many other South Africans who are struggling to support their families because of problems the politicians created, and who now claim can help society.

This year’s election is a wake-up call to all South Africans to make their vote count and choose wisely when they put their cross on the ballot paper. Some of these politicians are using unholy actions to get votes by visiting the graves of their former pals to campaign for votes.

Mikateko Advice Mkhatshwa, Bushbuckridge

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