READER LETTER | ANC on the brink of collapse

ANC 112th anniversary celebrations in Mbombela.
ANC 112th anniversary celebrations in Mbombela.
Image: ANC

The ANC national conference that took place at Nasrec in December 2017 was meant to be a turning point for the party. However, it seems that the conference has only served to deepen the division within the party and led to its eventual downfall.

The pinnacle of the conference was the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as the ANC president, which was mired in accusations of vote buying and corruption. It is no secret that hundreds of millions of rand were invested by established businesses into the CR17 campaign that aimed to secure Ramaphosas victory. However, even with all this funding, Ramaphosa emerged as president by a narrow margin.

Delegates at the conference spoke out about money changing hands to secure their votes for Ramaphosa, and this has been an ongoing source of anger among branch leaders of the ANC who believe that the conference was stolen by the CR17 faction.

After the conference, the investors who supported Ramaphosa wasted no time in taking over SOEs, particularly Eskom. This further fuelled the divisions within the ANC and eroded the confidence of its members and supporters.

With former president Jacob Zuma announcing his support for the MK party, ANC branches are increasingly inclined to vote for this party as opposed to the ANC. This serves as a clear indication that the ANC is losing its base, and the cracks within the party are only getting deeper.

If there were to be another ANC national conference today, it is highly likely that the Zuma faction would emerge victorious. The anger and disillusionment among ANC leaders at all levels have intensified since Nasrec, and it is clear that the future of the ANC is uncertain. The ANC has failed to address the unfinished business of the Nasrec conference, and this is only serving to further divide the party.

As a result, it seems the ANC is heading towards a catastrophic end, with no clear solution in sight. It is high time that the ANC leadership takes decisive action to address the issues that are dividing the party and bring it back from the brink of collapse.

Visvin Reddy, email.

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