READER LETTER | The constitution was rammed down our throats

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. File photo.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. File photo.
Image: Thulani Mbele

In 1994, SA saw the transition from apartheid into a new, “free” SA. Freedom has always been divided into two main subcategories: political freedom and economic freedom. Many have advanced the argument that in 1994, SA only officially won the Struggle for political freedom, but was not free in practice.

What this means is that South Africans have reduced political freedom to the right to vote. However, political freedom is more complex than that. Political freedom should include the right to determine ones destiny and the right to determine the constitution and policies, free from external pressures and influence.

The politicians best constitution was forced down the throats of south Africans, we didnt play any part in determining it. For almost 30 years into democracy, the ANC-led government has failed to properly deal with the land issue, which is the cornerstone of our Struggle.

Why? Because of major policy positions and decisions SA cannot take or associate itself with because of external influence in internal politics. The main reason the government has failed to deal with this is the fear of bearing sanctions, possible expulsion from the Commonwealth and rating downgrades.

So, a government which cannot deliver to the needs of the people because of threats from their former colonial masters, then that government is not free, nor the people it represents.

As long as we still look for the colonial masters approval, we cannot call ourselves free men and women, politically or economically. The 1996 constitution guarantees many positive rights, such as the right to life and dignity, which did not exist before 1994.

However, the constitution still falls short in ensuring the full enjoyment of the fruits of democracy. This manifests in poverty, landlessness, homelessness, indignity, powerlessness, skewed life chances, dilapidated infrastructure, unemployment and limited access to basic health and quality education.

SA really needs a constitutional review process to address the shortfalls in the constitution. An Africanist constitution is needed, a constitution that will work on a pro-African value system. Ubuntu must be the central theme of our constitution so we can efficiently address all the issues currently affecting South Africans.

Bushy Green, Kagiso, Mogale City

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