"Let's rid ANC of criminals"

Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba.
Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba.
Image: Simphiwe Nkwali

Let's rid ANC of criminals

Blaming the ANC for criminals in its ranks won't help; people love the ANC. We must swell the ranks and take the party from the criminals. - Chief of Staff

Burning book won't help Ace

The benefactors of Ace Magashule's corruption think disrupting the launch of Gangster State and destroying the book would absolve him. Their action would only succeed in promoting the sales. - Sikhumbuzo Manyoni

Foreigners terrorise locals

Foreigners are untouchable. If you say something negative about those who misbehave, you are accused of xenophobia. Many enter the country illegally, hijack RDP houses, attack us on the streets and at our homes. - Leset

Mashaba was right to skip Alex

Joburg mayor Herman Mashaba did the right thing by not going to Alexandra as the ANC councillors had prepared people to boo him as soon as he takes the podium as they want to revive the old "Alexandra Mafia". - Sipho

Who sponsors state of anarchy

Recently children marched under the banner of Cosas and looted in the city. As if it was not enough, the so-called ANCYL disrupted a book launch in Sandton. No doubt, someone mobilised Cosas and ANCYL. Who is this person causing anarchy and lawlessness in our country? - Chopo

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