Short left in air

IT MIGHT sound like a pie in the sky for now but an airline run by the much-maligned taxi industry is soon to become a reality.

And it appears a taxi aircraft taxiing on the runways of the country's airports is about to be a regular sight at our airports.

That is if the ambitious plan by the South African National Taxi Association, reputed to represent 95 percent of the country's taxi operators, rolls out without snags by November.

For starters, Santaco has assured everyone that taxi drivers will not be in the cockpit. Thankfully, too, there will be no overloading, impromptu stops to collect commuters along the way, mandatory in-flight collection of airfare among passengers and passing of the pool to the driver.

Welcome to Taxi Express: fasten your seatbelt; and please bear with us while we check we have enough fatcakes to serve on-board. Eish!

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