Four construction workers killed on job after being knocked down by car

According to reports a light motor vehicle, an Opel Astra sedan, knocked down the construction workers while they were busy with road construction. Stock photo.
According to reports a light motor vehicle, an Opel Astra sedan, knocked down the construction workers while they were busy with road construction. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/kunpisit

Four construction workers died on Monday morning after being knocked down by a car on the N11 at Ga-Machikiri in the Waterberg district in Limpopo.

According to reports a light motor vehicle, an Opel Astra sedan, knocked down the construction workers while they were busy with road construction.

Limpopo department of transport and community safety said speeding and reckless driving were possible causes of the accident.

Spokesperson for the department Vongani Chauke said four workers died on the scene, while another two were transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

“The driver of the Astra sedan has also been rushed to a hospital for medical attention, and a case of culpable homicide is opened,” he said.

Limpopo MEC for transport and community safety Florence Radzilani expressed shock at the incident. She sent messages of condolences to the bereaved families and wished the survivors a speedy recovery.

“We urge drivers to exercise extra caution when approaching construction sites. As contractors are repairing and renovating roads throughout the province, please pay attention to any warning signs and obey instructions,” she said.


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