eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda survives motion to have him removed from office

Motion by IFP to remove him from office fails despite support from EFF

Councillors indicate their support of the motion to have eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda removed from office during the council meeting in Durban on Wednesday.
Councillors indicate their support of the motion to have eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda removed from office during the council meeting in Durban on Wednesday.
Image: Lwazi Hlangu

Embattled eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda narrowly survived a second motion to remove him from office, despite the EFF voting against him.

The motion for Kaunda’s removal failed thanks to smaller parties who voted against it. Of the 209 councillors present, 109 opposed it, two abstained and 98 supported the motion.

The motion was raised by IFP caucus leader Mduduzi Nkosi, who said the city had been subjected to a number of “embarrassments”.

“His leadership … residents endure the highest increases in tariffs, the city has written off billions in UIFW [unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful] expenditure, the municipality has experienced the most unstable investor interest and most erratic cash flow patterns,” he said.

EFF caucus leader Themba Mvubu reiterated that their relationship was that of cooperation, not coalition, and suggested that the ANC had not consulted them.

“Part of cooperating with each other is to respect each other when you’re about to take such decisions. We told the ANC last year that they can not pass any motion without involving us because no one commands the majority,” said Mvubu.

He said they would continue voting with the ANC on matters where they agreedand oppose them when not in agreement, such as this one.

“The EFF only accounts at Winnie Madikizela-Mandela house.”

This is a developing story.


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