Rea Vaya buses blocked at depot

Rea Vaya buses parked at the company depot in Meadowlands, Soweto.
Rea Vaya buses parked at the company depot in Meadowlands, Soweto.
Image: Alaister Russell

Johannesburg rapid bus service Rea Vaya is not operating on Wednesday due to a worker dispute.

“The exit point of the depot has been blocked and buses cannot operate,” the service told its customers, citing labour-related issues between PioTrans and its employees. “We apologise and advise passengers to use alternative transport.”

PioTrans, which operates the service in partnership with the City of Johannesburg, was placed in business rescue in December.

The Johannesburg high court agreed to PioTrans being placed in business rescue after an application by its creditors, who alleged maladministration due to outstanding debts.

Since then, Mahier Tayob has taken over as the operator, and the Rea Vaya board has been dissolved.

City of Johannesburg’s transport director spokesperson Benny Makgoga said the city has been mindful of the operational challenges which affected PioTrans. This led to mediation processes in 2014 and 2019, which involved initiating the appointment of external service providers to assist and support the bus operator.


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