11 workers die at Impala Rustenburg following a mine accident

Mine workers.
Mine workers.
Image: Sowetan

At least 11 mineworkers have died at a platinum mine in Rustenburg, North West, following a safety incident that occurred on Monday afternoon.

Implats spokesperson Johan Theron said initial reports indicated that there were several injuries following the incident involving 86 miners at Impala Rustenburg 11 shaft operation.

"I can confirm that 11 miners out of 86 have died. I cannot confirm how many died at the scene and those who died in hospital," Theron said, adding that a statement would be released later.

Theron said: "A serious safety incident involving a winder rope [occurred].

"This rope is connected to the personnel conveyance, which hoists employees up and down the shaft. The conveyance comprises three levels, each with a capacity to carry 35 personnel."

Theron said following the incident, paramedics and proto teams were immediately mobilised.

"They have accessed underground workings and the two upper level of the conveyance have been cleared.

"The safety of our employees is paramount and we are providing all possible support to those involved and working closely with the relevant authorities," he said.


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