Pet pit bulls turn on Verulam owners

An elderly couple had to be hospitalised after their pet pit bulls turned on them during a fight with monkeys.
An elderly couple had to be hospitalised after their pet pit bulls turned on them during a fight with monkeys.
Image: Reaction Unit

An elderly Verulam couple had to be hospitalised after they tried to intervene in a fight between monkeys and their pet pit bulls and sustained bites from the dogs. 

Reaction Unit's (Rusa) Prem Balram said the couple from Dawncrest, north of Durban, were attacked at their home on Monday.

“On arrival, Rusa members established the dogs were in an altercation with monkeys in the yard when the 80-year-old man and his 73-year-old wife intervened.

“The canines attacked their owners. The elderly couple sustained penetrating bite wounds on their legs,” he said.

They were stabilised and taken to hospital.

It has not been established who came to the couple's aid to stop the attack or what happened to the dogs. 

The family didn't want to comment.


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