Umhlanga ratepayers and residents concerned over increase in crime and noise

The Umhlanga Ratepayers and Residents Association is concerned about retail outlets operating outside regulated hours. File photo.
The Umhlanga Ratepayers and Residents Association is concerned about retail outlets operating outside regulated hours. File photo.

Ratepayers and residents in Umhlanga, Durban, have raised concerns about retail outlets operating outside regulated hours, resulting in noise pollution, crime and contravention of the city’s by-laws.

This emerged during a meeting between the eThekwini municipality and the uMhlanga Ratepayers and Residents Association (Urra) at the Moses Mabhida Stadium on Friday. 

The city said ratepayers also raised concerns about sewer spillages,  malfunctioning of the Ohlange pump station, and the construction of a public transport facility for buses and taxis around the Oceans Mall. 

Urra delegation head Terry MacLarty said the challenges affect tourism and impact the economy of the area. 

“We are aware that taxis are an important mode of transport for workers, but we request they must operate within the confines of the law,” she said.

In response to the challenges raised, the municipality said it was working with the taxi industry to finalise consultations on a new holding area for taxis and buses. The site has already been identified, said the city.

It said the roadworks around Oceans Mall will be completed in October this year.

“Metro police has beefed up its personnel by 35 members in the area to maintain high visibility. They will be conducting joint operations with the police service

“To address water and sanitation challenges, the municipality has recently repaired the Ohlange pump station, which is being constantly monitored to ensure it operates smoothly.

“The municipality has also reprioritised the budget to ensure its water and sewer infrastructure is functional. For the Ohlange pump station the municipality has allocated R10m,” said the city.  

Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda assured ratepayers they are working tirelessly to make eThekwini a preferred destination for investment and tourists.

Kaunda clarified the issue of electricity and water tariffs and reported to ratepayers that the council took a resolution last week to revise the electricity tariffs by 15.1% in line with the ruling by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa. 

Regarding water he said the increase in tariffs was necessitated by the decision to build the new Umkhomazi Dam to improve supply in the city.


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