Youth 'killed by fellow pupil' at matric school camp

A pupil was allegedly attacked at a matric school camp in Limpopo. Stock photo.
A pupil was allegedly attacked at a matric school camp in Limpopo. Stock photo.
Image: paylessimages/123RF

Social workers will visit a Limpopo school fraternity on Monday after a pupil was allegedly murdered at a matric school camp.

Willem Ngoepe from the Mpirwabirwa Secondary School was attacked on Thursday evening and succumbed to injuries the next day, education MEC Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya said.

“He was allegedly hit on the head with an object by another learner at the matric school camp,” she said.

Expressing her condolences to Ngoepe's family, Lerule-Ramakhanya promised psychosocial support would be offered from the department to teachers and pupils.


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