Mkhwebane files another application for Dyantyi's recusal

Suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has filed another application for the recusal of section 194 inquiry committee chair Richard Qubudile Dyantyi.
Suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has filed another application for the recusal of section 194 inquiry committee chair Richard Qubudile Dyantyi.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi

Suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has filed another application for the recusal of section 194 inquiry committee chair Richard Qubudile Dyantyi. 

Dyantyi has acknowledged the application and has informed Mkhwebane’s lawyers he will respond by July 21.

He said Mkhwebane’s grounds for the application are centred on the alleged interactions between Mkhwebane’s husband, David Skosana, and the late ANC MP Tina Joemat-Pettersson. “The allegations are currently being investigated by parliament’s joint committee on ethics and members' interests after she laid a complaint.”   

The application raises seven grounds for recusal, including allegations of bribery, corruption and extortion against Dyantyi, “that Mr Dyantyi is the subject of a pending investigation by parliament’s ethics committee, a pending police investigation and that the committee and Mr Dyantyi is proceeding with its programme despite (Mkhwebane’s) lack of legal representation”.

“Mr Dyantyi indicated he will apply his mind to the content of the application. The committee awaits the summation of evidence from the evidence leaders. The committee has noted that Adv Mkhwebane did not indicate her intention to make a closing argument or submit a written closing statement,” the committee noted. The committee was established on March 16 2021 to conduct a constitutional inquiry into Mkhwebane’s fitness to hold office.

Mkhwebane accuses Dyantyi and ANC MPs Pemmy Majodina and the late Joemat-Pettersson of bribery, extortion and corruption. 

She also charges that the impeachment process against her was “irredeemably tainted by illegality” due to the continuation of Dyantyi and DA MP Kevin Mileham’s membership of the committee. She previously approached the court for their recusal.


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