WATCH | Please help us, beg residents as 'cyclone' hits Inanda

A 'cyclone' over Inanda and Phoenix, north of Durban, has left people injured, homes damaged and downed power to the area.
A 'cyclone' over Inanda and Phoenix, north of Durban, has left people injured, homes damaged and downed power to the area.
Image: Supplied

North of Durban, people have been injured and homes damaged by what many are calling a “mini cyclone” that hit Inanda and surrounding areas.

It comes after disruptive rain and thunderstorms in KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday.

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has warned residents, particularly those on the south coast, of more heavy rain that may result in flooding.

Just after midday, eThekwini began experiencing heavy rain, resulting in a number of roads being blocked.

Videos showing severe damage to houses caused by the storm have gone viral on social media. 

In one, a person can be heard screaming for help as the “cyclone” is seen blowing away roofs.

“Help us, it's coming back. Oh my God. It's coming back. Please help us,” a woman says while videoing the incident.

On social media, residents said the storm has downed power lines in some areas, while VIP Security said a number of residents have been injured.

It added that the fire department and other emergency services are on the scene assisting those affected. 

This is a developing story. 


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