Stage 4 loadshedding is back after more plant breakdowns and delays

Load-shedding is being ramped up, again. Stock photo.
Load-shedding is being ramped up, again. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Jakub Gojda

Stage 4 loadshedding is back from 4pm on Sunday until Tuesday morning after generating unit breakdowns at three power stations and an additional two units being taken offline for repairs at a fourth.

“Thereafter, loadshedding will be reduced [on Tuesday] to stage 3 until 4pm. Stage 4 will then be implemented from 4pm until 5am on Wednesday morning,” the ailing power utility said on Sunday afternoon. 

This pattern of stages 3 and 4 will be “repeated until further notice”.

“Over the past 24 hours, a generating unit each at Camden, Duvha, Majuba and two units at Kriel power station suffered breakdowns and were taken offline for repairs,”  said Eskom.

The return to service of a generating unit each at Hendrina, Medupi and Tutuka power stations was delayed.  

Repairs to damaged towers from Cahora Bassa were, in addition, taking longer than anticipated.  

A generating unit each at Duvha and Kriel power stations were returned to service during this period. 

Breakdowns on Sunday took down 17,340MW of generating capacity while 5,654MW of generating capacity was undergoing planned maintenance.  

“We urge all South Africans to continue using electricity sparingly to help alleviate the pressure on the power system," the power utility said.



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