Two youngsters trapped in a hole they had dug at a beach in KZN rescued

Members of the public, and emergency medical services extricating two youngsters who were trapped when the sand around the hole they were digging collapsed.
Members of the public, and emergency medical services extricating two youngsters who were trapped when the sand around the hole they were digging collapsed.
Image: IPSS Medical Rescue

Two youngsters were rescued after the sand around the three metre hole they were digging collapsed on them at a beach in Salt Rock, north of Durban, on Tuesday afternoon.

IPSS Medical said the first patient was extricated quickly and sustained moderate injuries. He was transported to a local hospital for further care.

However, the second patient was more severely entrapped.

“Thanks to huge effort by members of the public, specialised rescue, IPSS Medical, IPSS Security, Netcare 911 and other services, the patient was extricated and was lucky to escape with serious injuries,” IPSS Medical said.


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