Mashaba and Steenhuisen to write to Sars and Reserve Bank over Ramaphosa robbery

President Cyril Ramaphosa stands ready to cooperate with any law enforcement investigation into claims by Arthur Fraser regarding the theft at his Limpopo farm, his office says. File photo.
President Cyril Ramaphosa stands ready to cooperate with any law enforcement investigation into claims by Arthur Fraser regarding the theft at his Limpopo farm, his office says. File photo.
Image: Amanda Khoza

Several politicians have reacted to a robbery at President Cyril Ramaphosa’s farm, calling for the SA Revenue Service (Sars) and SA Reserve Bank to investigate multimillion-dollar theft allegations.

The incident took place at Ramaphosa’ farm in Limpopo in February 2020.

The robbery came to light after former state security agency director-general Arthur Fraser opened a criminal case against Ramaphosa last week.

Ramaphosa’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya confirmed a robbery had taken place at the president’s farm, and said the proceeds from a sale of game  were stolen. 

DA leader John Steenhuisen called on Sars and the Reserve Bank to investigate the theft allegations, saying Ramaphosa’s response raises more questions than answers. 

“We will write to Sars commissioner Edward Kieswetter, alerting him to this sum of money and calling on Sars to investigate whether this sum was declared and whether it carries tax implications, as per the Income Tax Act and Tax Administration Act,” said Steenhuisen. 

“We will also write to the Reserve Bank to ascertain whether this sum of foreign currency pertains to an illicit flow of funds and potential money laundering on the part of the president, as per the Currency and Exchanges Act of 1933.”

He said the country deserved to know the truth behind the transaction, and the DA would ensure the matter does not become “another ANC cover up”.

ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba said he too would approach Sars and the Reserve Bank.

“How does a president of a country deal in such a high volume of cash and fail to report a matter to the criminal justice system he is in charge of? I will write letters to Sars and the Reserve Bank to confirm their knowledge of the existence of the volume of US dollars in SA,” said Mashaba.

EFF deputy leader Floyd Shivambu said the red berets will not allow Ramaphosa “to destroy this country”.

“This country will become a banana republic and failed state if individuals are permitted to use their proximity to white capitalists and media to buy everyone into silence. We refused and removed [former president Jacob] Zuma when he tried, and we will not allow this one to destroy this country. Never,” he said.

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