Alexandra branch calls on Courts to deny bail

ANC branch calls on rape accused councillor to step aside

Bobby Jordan Senior reporter
The branch said it was shocked by the allegation levelled against the councillor. File photo.
The branch said it was shocked by the allegation levelled against the councillor. File photo.
Image: Stephanie de Sakutin

An ANC branch has called on one of its members to step down as a councillor after his arrest for alleged rape.

A protest march is planned for when the accused appears in court in the hope that he is not granted bail, the party's greater Alexandra (Zone 13) branch said in a statement on Sunday.

“As the ANC zone 13, greater Alexandra, we have learnt with shock and disbelief that one of our councillors has been arrested for an alleged crime of rape,” the branch said.

“We wish to state without any fear of contradiction that on GBV (gender-based violence) matters, we believe and side with the victim. Without pronouncing on innocence or guilt, we urge law enforcement agencies to pursue the matter with the seriousness it deserves.

“We are a constitutional democracy and no-one is above the law. Those holding public office and accused of crimes must be subjected to the most intensive scrutiny and the justice system must not hold back. We will be the first to protest should we feel that the justice system is going soft on any political office bearers,” it said.

The ANC would provide support and protection for the alleged victim in line with its policy of combating gender-based violence. “Our last national conference was clear on what political office bearers must do when found in a compromised position. We call on the comrade to step down as a councillor and branch executive committee member. If he fails to do that, we call [for his suspension],” the statement said.


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