Joburg drivers warned to be cautious as flash floods hit

The Johannesburg Roads Agency has warned motorists and other road users to be cautious after heavy rains across the city on Friday.
The Johannesburg Roads Agency has warned motorists and other road users to be cautious after heavy rains across the city on Friday.
Image: 123RF/Surut Wattanamaetee

The Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) has warned motorists and other road users to be cautious after heavy rains across the city on Friday.

“Motorists are advised to drive cautiously especially in flooded areas and around low-lying bridges,” the agency said in a statement.

The JRA has urged road users not to drive in flooded areas.

“Never drive or let anyone drive through flood waters! If the vehicle stalls, leave it immediately and seek higher ground. Never drive into water covering the road. You do not know how deep it is or if the road is washed away,” the JRA said.

Motorists are also urged to look out for flooding at highway dips and bridges, especially low-lying bridges.

“Be cautious, especially at night when visibility is impaired. More people lose their lives in floods than in any other weather-related event; 80% of flood deaths occur in vehicles, and most happen when drivers make a single, fatal mistake — trying to navigate through flood waters,” the JRA warned.

In the event of flash floods, the JRA said motorists should get to higher ground immediately.

“Avoid already flooded areas and high velocity flow areas. Never attempt to run across flooding water when the water is above your ankles. Do not walk into or near high water.

“Keep children from drainage ditches and stormwater drains,” the agency said.