Hlaudi Motsoeneng's bid to force SABC to broadcast his event live fails

African Content Movement (ACM) leader Hlaudi Motsoeneng.
African Content Movement (ACM) leader Hlaudi Motsoeneng.

The South Gauteng High Court on Saturday dismissed with costs an application by the African Content Movement (ACM) to compel the SABC to provide live coverage of its manifesto launch.

The SABC had opposed the application by Hlaudi Motsoeneng's party‚ saying it did not provide live coverage of new parties or older parties with no representation in parliament.

The African Content Movement (ACM) filed an urgent application in the high court on Saturday morning.

The party had argued that the public broadcaster should carry its manifesto launch live like it did with the ANC‚ the EFF and the DA.

The launch was scheduled to take place in Durban on Saturday afternoon.

SABC group executive of news and current affairs Phathiswa Magopeni shared the court's decision on Twitter.

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