'Bags, cash and NPA documents' - Dudu Myeni according to Agrizzi

Former SAA chair Dudu Myeni has been implicated in corrupt activities involving Bosasa.
Former SAA chair Dudu Myeni has been implicated in corrupt activities involving Bosasa.
Image: GCIS

In the third week of his bombshell-dropping testimony, former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi detailed shocking information on former SAA chair Dudu Myeni's relationship with the corruption-linked security company.

On Monday, eNCA reported that Myeni denied meeting with Watson at the Bosasa offices, claiming that Agrizzi was lying and his "greed is worrisome".

The NPA documents 

During his testimony on Monday, Agrizzi detailed how National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) documents relating to a Bosasa investigation were allegedly leaked by Myeni when she met with Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson at the Sheraton Hotel in Pretoria. 

According to Agrizzi, Myeni explained how she had meetings at the NPA and that they were planning to shut the case. 

"She gave me the docket and said, 'You can write down things but please don’t make copies and take photographs'. She was working on getting the Bosasa investigation closed down," alleged Agrizzi.

The Louis Vuitton bag

Agrizzi further alleged that Myeni was on Bosasa's monthly payroll, receiving R300,000 a month as well as lavish gifts. 

According to Agrizzi, Myeni would call Watson to arrange "high-end" functions, including functions for then president Jacob Zuma.

Agrizzi claimed that Myeni's monthly payment was made in cash and he would often be tasked with packing it.

The former Bosasa COO said he asked his wife to advise on a gift to impress Myeni and she suggested a Louis Vuitton handbag. Agrizzi said Watson stuffed R300,000 into the bag, which was then delivered to Myeni.  

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