Carlton Centre regrets lesbian attack

Management of Johannesburg's Carlton Centre condemned a reported attack on a lesbian by its security guards.

Gender-based violence would not be tolerated at the shopping mall, spokesman Mboniso Sigonyela said.

Remedial steps would be taken for any wrong-doing.

Sigonyela was commenting on behalf of the Transnet Group, the company that owns the Carlton Centre.

Bonisiwe Mtshali, 29, was beaten unconscious after kissing her girlfriend goodbye on June 13, The Star newspaper reported on Monday.

Sigonyela said: "We have learnt with regret about the unfortunate incident and wish to apologise unreservedly to the lady and the public."

He said management had asked its head of security to conduct a full investigation.

"The woman will also be consulted as part of this process," he said.

Mtshali was beaten up after kissing her girlfriend goodbye on June 13.

"I accompany her to work every morning... and every morning I give her a goodbye kiss," her partner, Khanyisa Ndoda, told the newspaper

"But as we kissed that day, we heard these guys saying "Some people will never reach heaven and shouting 'voetsek'."

Mtshali confronted the three security guards from Hlanganani Protection Services, contracted to the centre. They allegedly assaulted her. She regained consciousness three hours later.


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