Bail appeal courts confusion

There was confusion about exactly where Gauteng Scorpions' boss Gerrie Nel would bring his bail application yesterday.

There was confusion about exactly where Gauteng Scorpions' boss Gerrie Nel would bring his bail application yesterday.

His legal team were originally told that it would be at the Pretoria magistrate's court. They were then told that the case would be heard in the Pretoria commercial crimes court. By mid-afternoon it was not clear where the case would be heard. Earlier an urgent application for Nel's release was postponed in the Pretoria high court. That application was on the grounds that the arrest warrant was malicious and obtained in bad faith.

"The police did not play open cards when they asked for his arrest," said Nel's lawyer Ian Small Smith earlier yesterday.

Nel's lawyers then moved to bring the bail application in a different court. Nel was seen in a corridor of the court. - Sapa

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