Be stylish, elegant at bedtime

Let's face it; not everyone goes to bed in a glamorous fur sleeping gown, tons of jewellery and full make-up like old stars of yesteryear such as Liz Taylor.

While Beyonce Knowles may say "I woke up like this", referring to looking flawless in the morning, the truth is that the bedtime regime of a lot of ordinary women is vastly different from what we see played out on TV in soapies and music videos. Most of us just throw an oversized freebie T-shirt on, wrap a bandana around our heads and call it a night.

But, is there a way to improve how you look when you go to bed?

We spoke to women who would like to jazz it up a bit when it comes to their sleep wear. For this we solicited the help of celebrity stylist Jerry Mokgofe, who gives us tips on how to do it.

Our first style victim is Susan Phihlela, a 27-year-old Honeydew resident, who describes herself as Vera the ghost, thanks to the masks and lotions she often piles on before hitting the sheets.

She admits to wearing the same night gown she bought years ago.

"Yes, it has a few holes," she says. "But for me, bedtime has always been a time to relax after a hectic day, so looking sexy has been the last thing on my mind."

Phihlela, a finance company consultant and mother of two, says she would like to spruce it up a bit.

"I just don't know where to start. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard."

Phindile Mahlangu, who lives in Embalenhle in Mpumalanga, is 28 and is an inspector at a mine.

She says she took bedtime tips from her mother when she got married.

"I've always thought it would be vulgar to look sexy when going to bed. I saw how my mother dressed [conservatively] and I followed suit. I wear leggings and a vest, and a stocking to keep my hair in place," she says.

Mahlangu says a visit to a friend challenged her views.

"I went to see herin the morning and found her wearing a cute red nightie with matching slippers, then I thought maybe I should make an effort myself. If other women look like that when going to bed, I'd like to as well."

Here are Mokgofe's views and style tips for the two women.

"I understand what Phindile says about culture, and I get what Susan means by being a mother of two and too tired to bother.

"But, it really doesn't take that much effort to slip on something cute, pamper yourself and go to bed feeling and looking good. Plus, no culture says looking good is a sin.