I'm beginning to think I won't have a lover

I AM a woman aged 20. I am very shy and nervous around people I don't know. I have never had a boyfriend.

There is someone I am interested in but I would never dream of approaching him.

However, there is a guy who has shown some interest in me. I think he is a very nice person but when-ever my friends see me talking to him they ask me what I am doing. They say he is too quiet and that he has no personality.

I am starting to think that I will never have a boyfriend. Please tell me what I am doing wrong? - Unsure

I honestly don't think you are doing anything wrong.

There are no rules that says that someone must have had a boyfriend by a certain age.

In spite of being shy and nervous, you are obviously attractive to some because there is someone who is interested in you.

You must also remember that different men like different types of women.

I If you find the man who is showing interest in you and you like him, then give him a chance.

You don't want to find a boyfriend who pleases your friends. You want someone who cares for you and treats you respectfully.

Look for someone you enjoy being with.

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