Tyson Beckford poses naked with transgender model Ines Rau

Tyson Beckford and model Ines Rau strip down and get up close in a raunchy photoshoot for new luxury French magazine OOB. shot by Rodolfo Martinez.

The 24-year-old New York City-based French model of North African descent was recently inspired to come out by Carolina “Tula” Cossey, an English model who has appeared in a James Bond film and posed for “Playboy.”

In an interview with Models Of The Minute Rau said, “After reading [Tolu’s] book [I Am Woman] at least two times I realised how important it is to assume who you are with no fears...I just woke up one day realising that it’s enough, I need to embrace who I am and be loved for what I am and what I have been through- without the fear of being rejected."

When asked what she would say to children who are struggling with their gender identities, Rau said: 

"I would tell them to follow what’s in their hearts and to not be scared to do what they have to do if necessary. But very important to have consulted specialists to make sure that changing your body is the right answer. Having a sex change is not the answer to insecurities or other issues, a lot of transgender do not understand that it has to be done with reflection: because of a real deep desire to be a woman from a younger age. It’s fabulous the level of happiness- it’s just absolutely impossible to describe. I’m the happiest girl in the world, just being what I wanted to be. You have to love yourself enough to go for it without the fear of being judged or rejected. That’s my advice for them."

Rau had the life changing surgery from male to female at the age of 16.

These images have spread across the Internet attracting both positive and negative feedback.

Beckford responded on Twitter:

Sources: models.com, B. Scott and Merriam Webster