Uplifting for women

THIS book is a welcome addition to the many we have read before. It is about political turmoil and genocide in Africa. But this one gives a humane perspective.

Lisa J Shannon writes with a different voice, marked by unfiltered honesty. Her candid depiction of her journey allows the reader to identify with her and shows that it doesn't take a superhuman effort to make a difference.

If you are not familiar with stories from the Democratic Republic of Congo, you should prepare yourself emotionally and mentally before reading this book.

If you want to know what it is like to be passionate about a cause and an emotional hurdle that will surprise you along the way, read it.

The writer deserves praise for what she has done for these women. She is an inspiration to many women, especially those in the Congo.

She changed her life after hearing about the brutalised women in the DRC. while watching the Oprah show.

She signed up to sponsor two women and a couple of years later she decided to start her Run for Congo Women foundation.

Women shared their stories of torture, rape and murder in the hope that someone would hear them and come to their rescue.

When Shannon met them in person she was overcome by a new reality and understanding of what they have been through.

She describes her surroundings and the plight of her subjects. She brings the events to life and makes those who are more fortunate appreciate their position.

Most of these women are profiled in the book.

This is a story about a regular person, not of a high-profile activist or politician. She has her own problems, but has inspired others. Read the tales of heroism by ordinary women who triumph over strife.

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