Lyricism debate: Tumi says it's not the end of hip-hop as we know it

Caption: Tumi Molekane opens up about rap beef in the hip-hop industry. Credit: Tumi via Twitter
Caption: Tumi Molekane opens up about rap beef in the hip-hop industry. Credit: Tumi via Twitter

It’s one of the fiercest debates in hip-hop at the moment: Where have all the good lyricists gone? And is it the end of hip-hop without them?

Hip-hop heads have been quick to note the shift in hip-hop over the last few years‚ from strong lyrics to catchy phrases repeated over and over again. Panda‚ anyone?

But while many have been quick to declare the death of hip-hop‚ rapper Tumi Molekane said that it hasn’t really made the genre any worse.

“Just because people are not rapping as prolifically as they did before‚ doesn’t mean hip-hop has gotten worse. I actually believe there is magic in how young artists can catch a vibe or wave and build something you can feel without a clear formula or science. Amazing‚” Tumi wrote in a lengthy Instagram post recently.

The award-winning lyricist reflected how “the bigger hip-hop got‚ the less focus went into writing and the art of making words jump“. But said that his faith in the craft has been kept alive through a number of young artists.

“For me it was watching dudes like Iron Solomon‚ Thesaurus‚ Illmaculate and NoCando battle that really made me jump at the magic of words again. I felt kindred spirits in their craftiness. You might be watching some guy calling another guy a p*ssy but I see highways of interconnected phrases that all lead to a ‘wow’... I hope you guys can come to appreciate the beauty that comes from calling someone a f*g in rhyme form‚” Tumi added.

Cassper also addressed the issue in an interview on 5FM this week‚ claiming that the game was “chilled” lyrically until the rise of Nasty C in 2015.

“I remember telling my friend that I hope no one ever hears this kid because it will be over for all of us...I really think he’s bringing a new sound to the game. I’m a big fan‚” Cassper added.

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