Gerard Butler hasn't found 'the one'

Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler

'Olympus Has Fallen' star Gerard Butler has admitted he is still waiting to find ''the one'', and revealed while he has ''met a lot of princesses'', he hasn't found a special someone to settle down with.

The 'Olympus Has Fallen' actor admitted he is ''sadly'' single, explaining while he has ''met a lot of princesses'', he hasn't found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with yet. Speaking to the Mail on Sunday newspaper, he said: ''I have not met the one princess yet.

''That doesn't mean I have not met a lot of princesses along the way, but not the one and only yet. ''Or maybe I have and she might come back into my life at some point. You should never rule out anything. But am I seeing the one now? The answer, sadly, is no.'' The 44-year-old star also admitted he would love to have children in the future, but conceded building a long-term relationship can be difficult in the acting industry. 

He added: ''I do want kids. For now I have four nieces. I often wonder what it would be like to share a movie with my kids. ''It does make me think ... It's harder to be in a relationship in this industry. It's partly my own fault, and partly the nature of the beast. ''It's hard when you are leaving all the time. I'm not in Australia. Who wants to put up with that? But who says life has to be just one relationship? Maybe it's meant to have many short relationships?''

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