Daniel Shirinda releases new album at 76

GOING RATE: Daniel Shirinda
GOING RATE: Daniel Shirinda

VETERAN musician Daniel Shirinda, who arguably cemented the popularity of Xitsonga traditional music, has released a CD at the age of 76.

Shirinda, who has been recording since 1960, has recorded a CD titled 30000, which refers to the going rate for ilobolo these days.

"My age means nothing. I will sing until I go to the grave," Shirinda said yesterday, adding that he had been building the nation through music for a long time.

"I have recorded 764 songs in my career so far," Shirinda said.

Coincidentally, Shirinda, who was born in 1938, is also a traditional healer sharing his life with five wives and 44 children. Happy that things seem to be better for musicians playing various genres, he said in the 1960s it was hard to record his music as producers said it did not sell.

"When you approached a company at the time, they asked you: 'Are you playing pop, mba qanga, or soul?'

"If you said none of the above, then they would wonder what you played, and if you mentioned Xitsonga traditional music, they would shun you like the plague."

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