DJ Terance

DEEP house DJ Terance Molefe is one of the few people who have managed to break into the house scene and make a success of his niche market.

With his emphasis on the local scene, he has proved that he has the potential to take the industry to new heights.

Molefe, of Kagiso on the West Rand, recently released his new house compilation Music Box .

He says he has decided to focus more on local music because he believes that the local industry is growing very quickly.

"Finally, I am so glad that our music is taken very seriously, starting from here at home to the international scene.

"Today we have international producers and DJs who come to this country to work with us . clearly that shows that this country is growing musically," he says.

Molefe, who has won a Metro FM award for best compilation, says local producers are producing quality music that appeals to the international market.

"On this album I have worked with the young band the Nu Town soul which produced some of the tracks."

Molefe says he has worked with internationally renowned DJs such as Layabouts, Jerrah, Whisky and Nomfundo.

Molefe is launching his Music Box 5 album in style today at 52 Parliament Street in Port Elizabeth.

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