CSA condemns ‘insensitive’ tweet by veteran sports journalist

Cricket South Africa on Monday took “strong exception” to a tweet by veteran sports journalist, Dan Retief, who had hailed the contribution of “two white Afrikaners” to the Proteas’ series-clinching win in the final One-Day International against England at Newlands on Sunday.

Retief had tweeted: “SA carried to victory by two White Afrikaners … politicians and media commentators take note….for what it is worth” after captain AB de Villiers and all-rounder David Wiese had carried South Africa over the line in their five-wicket win to seal a 3-2 come-from-behind series victory.

CSA Chief Executive Haroon Lorgat said in a statement: “This is insensitive and extremely disappointing.

“AB de Villiers has conveyed to me the displeasure that this tweet has caused to the Proteas team,” Lorgat added.

“Anybody who understands the game of cricket and the Proteas in particular will know that yesterday’s victory, and indeed the series victory, was made possible by a great team effort. We are privileged and very proud to have a diverse squad of players that play as one.

“Sport is our best unifying factor and on Sunday it was wonderful to see more than 19,000 diverse fans at Newlands and many more millions on TV enjoying some of the world’s best players, regardless of their origin or race.

CSA noted that Retief had since made an apology.

In a later tweet, Retief wrote: “Hi All, I unreservedly apologize if i have upset you. It was a ham-handed way to enter the SA dissertation. We are all one people. Sorry”

– African News Agency

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