Proteas congratulated on return to top

PREMIER sponsors of Bafana Bafana, the Proteas and the Springboks, Castle Lager, yesterday congratulated the national cricket side on their return to the world's number one slot.

"We are extremely proud of the Proteas' achievement of their dual objective of winning the Test series in Sri Lanka and regaining the number one position in the ICC World Test rankings," said SAB sponsorship and Castle Lager general manager Alastair Hewitt yesterday

The sponsors have also thrown their full support behind the appointment of Shakes Mashaba as Bafana coach.

"We welcome and support the decision taken by Safa and congratulate Shakes on his well-deserved appointment," said Hewitt.

"The coach has had an impressive track record, with one of his notable performance being the 2013 Cosafa Youth Championship title, where they lifted the trophy without conceding a goal. We urge all South Africans to support Shakes."

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