Amajita prepare for battle

AMAJITA have secured four friendly games in West Africa, which coach Shakes Mashaba will use to sharpen the team for their final continental tournament qualifier.

The South African Football Association yesterday agreed with counterparts in Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal and Ivory Coast to allow their under-20 teams to play Amajita.

The team's final 2015 African Youth Championships qualifier will be against Cameroon with the first leg in the capital Yaounde on the weekend of August 15 to 17.

The return leg will be in South Africa two weeks later with the overall winner qualifying for the Youth Championships finals in Senegal.

The top three nations in Senegal will represent the continent at the 2015 World Cup in New Zealand.

For the West Africa tour, Amajita will leave on July 20 with the first game in Ouagadougou against Burkina Faso three days later. Amajita will then move to Bamako for a game against Mali on July 26, followed by a visit to Dakar for a date with Senegal on July 30.

The South Africans will wrap up their tour with a game against Ivory Coast in Abidjan on August 3.

"It is important for us to organise these matches to ready the boys for battle [against Cameroon] because we have not played since May," said Mashaba.

"We want to prepare well as we don't want to face Cameroon cold from lack of action. The games will help us get the boys into the rhythm and increase our chances of doing well in Cameroon."

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