Fifa fines Hodgson's agent over rules breaches

England coach Roy Hodgson's agent, Leon Angel, was warned by FIFA about his future conduct on Friday after breaking rules in a transfer involving Brazil goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes.

Angel breached two clauses in its players' agents regulations during the deal which took Gomes to Tottenham from PSV Eindhoven in July 2008, FIFA said.

The case was referred by the English Football Association to FIFA in June 2011. Less than a year later, Angel worked with the FA to help negotiate Hodgson's contract to become England coach.

FIFA's disciplinary committee fined Angel 7,000 Swiss francs ($7,630) and ordered him to pay costs for the disciplinary process.

FIFA said it warned Angel that a further breach "will result in more severe sanctions ... even a withdrawal of the players' agent license."

Angel's biography on his accountancy firm's website includes a picture of him with Hodgson in front of England team shirts.

One clause identified by FIFA in the case relates to having a "relevant written representation contract with that player or club."

The second requires that "every players' agent shall ensure that his name, signature and the name of his client appear in any contracts resulting from transactions in which he is involved."

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