SA star fails dope test

A PROMINENT South African middle-distance runner is alleged to have been busted for a doping offence, Sowetan has learnt.

The positive test result allegedly came from an event in Johannesburg on October 9.

The athlete, whose name is known to Sowetan, still has to be officially informed of the result.

The athlete has won many local and national titles on the track and road, and has represented South Africa at international competitions.

Central Gauteng Athletics president James Moloi said: "I have heard that allegation but the matter has not been brought to our attention.

"I have asked our general manager (Mandla Radebe) to get to the bottom of this doping allegation because it is not good for the image of our organisation.

"We are going meet the organisers of the event in question sometime this week, but what I know in terms of the law is that it is Athletics South Africa that deals with all doping matters."

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