Expect better Soweto Marathon

AFTER receiving a big thumbs up from the runners, the organisers of the Soweto Marathon have already started preparations for the 2011 edition of the event.

Race director and Central Gauteng Athletics president James Moloi said securing live television coverage was the first priority.

"It was embarrassing that we did not have live television coverage during the marathon on Sunday. It was the first time the Soweto Marathon was not shown live," he said.

"Athletics South Africa are the ones who have signed a broadcast sponsorship with SABC Sport, but I have already discussed the issue with (ASA chairperson) James Evans.

"We need to engage the SABC on this matter since Nedbank are no longer sponsoring the marathon. The SABC wants us to raise R2,2million for the broadcast rights. There is no way we will be able to get big sponsorship deals if we do not have television coverage because any company you go to for sponsorship will ask you if television is covering the event."

Moloi said they were happy with the feedback from the more than 12000 runners who took part d in the 42,2km main event, 10km walk and 10km road race.

"The feeling is that everybody is happy with the overall organisation of the marathon, but we will definitely improve on the issue of hand out T-shirts. We made a big mistake by distributing the T-shirts long after the runners had crossed the finish line.

"We ended up with some people who did not even run queuing for T-shirts."

This point was backed up by one of the participants, SABC sports journalist Sifiso Ramara, who said that apart from the chaos at the finish line, it was a good event.

"It was such a wonderful marathon for a change," said prominent long-distance runner Themba Motaung.

Moloi said: "We want to make a commitment to the athletes that we have already started with plans to make the Soweto Marathon bigger and better."

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