READER LETTER | State ignores disabled pupils again

Former Gauteng premier David Makhura addressed the Life Esidimeni inquest. File photo.
Former Gauteng premier David Makhura addressed the Life Esidimeni inquest. File photo.
Image: Thulani Mbele

Government’s silence on the egregious rights violation of young children with disabilities, those who starve to death and those who are murdered by foreign spaza shop owners, demonstrates its complete disregard for black children from poor communities.

They travel all over the world protesting the killing of Hamas children while innocent souls are being poisoned right in their own backyard. Charity begins at home, Mr President.

On September 3, Carte Blanche exposed the appalling conditions at Ikhwezi Lokusa Special School in Mthatha, Eastern Cape. The exposé was a follow-up to an initial report on the same school by the programme in 2018, which revealed the children being subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment.

Their right to human dignity, equality, education and appropriate care are being grossly viol ated. Since the exposé, to date, there has been no response from either the department of basic education or parliament.

Now the question is: Must we wait for these children to die? With the Life Esidimeni tragedy still so fresh in our memories, how is it possible that we are faced with another crisis where the right of persons with disabilities have been totally flouted?Must we wait for these pupils to die?

Bushy Green, Kagiso

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