READER LETTER | Forget about Phala Phala, focus on fixing the country

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Limpopo game farm Phala Phala.
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Limpopo game farm Phala Phala.
Image: Alaister Russell

Central to the Phala Phala issue is whether the president has deliberately failed to declare a major foreign currency transaction as required by law. The indications are that it was not money stolen from the state.

He might have been able to hide this from the public view had the cash in US dollars not been stolen in his private residence while he was apparently overseas and a personal political opponent (from within the ANC) chose to seriously embarrass the president publicly.

This could well, nevertheless, be a serious transgression, especially if committed by the president of the country.

The drawn out criticism followed by a high level investigation and a suspected cover-up report has not resulted in a satisfactory closure.

Let the present opponents of the ANC government rather spend the next crucial months concentrating on publicly propagating a practical and positive alternative programme that is sure to give hope for a better and more secure non-racial future for all.

VA Volker, Pietermaritzburg

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