READER LETTER | SA govt expects us to fight zama zamas on our own

Police minister Bheki Cele has provided an update on police operations in Riverlea.
Police minister Bheki Cele has provided an update on police operations in Riverlea.
Image: Veli Nhlapo

It is shocking that as South Africans we find ourselves fighting daily for our lives against our neighbours from SADC regions and beyond, who come to SA to better their lives.

As South Africans we fought the apartheid regime on our own without the help of these countries. I suspect the government wants to see black on black violence, between SA residents against Lesotho illegal immigrants who have turned out to be terrorists harming our lives. The government expect us to fight these acts of terror on their own.

The SAPS claims these terrorists have dangerous firepower, meaning SA police have declared these criminal illegal immigrants too powerful for them. This further means us the citizens we must fight for our safety, because the government cannot call in the army.

These foreign terrorists operating on our land have effectively downgraded our police force and do not fear it. The zama zama stealing our mineral resources have the temerity to post on social media the video clips of themselves doing their illegal business, boasting that our police force has small guns. By that they mean they are in control, and that our forces cannot withstand their firepower.

South Africans, we are on our own. I think we can do this if we come together as one. We can conquer this madness of zama zamas.

We have been living around these mines for decades but we never attempted to steal from them because that's unlawful. The government must close these zama zama operations and arrest the big fish if it really wants to get rid of illegal mining in our society once and for all.

Rey Ntusi Ngema, Soweto   

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