Police rescue eight-year-old boy kidnapped during robbery

Quick action leads to arrest of four people

Police rescue 8-year-old boy.
Police rescue 8-year-old boy.

An eight-year-old has been rescued by police.

North West police confirmed the child went missing on Monday in Freedom Park Phase 1, Phokeng, when six people allegedly robbed a tavern taking cash and cellphones.

Minutes after the chaos had settled down, it was noticed that the child was missing. He had been watching TV before the incident.

The kidnappers demanded ransom for his release.

“Initial investigations by a multidisciplinary team determined that the boy was in transit in a vehicle to Soweto,” said Col Adéle Myburgh.

A high-speed car chase between the police and the suspects followed.

Police found the boy unharmed inside the vehicle as well as the stolen cellphones, and three people were arrested on the scene.

Further investigation led to the arrest of a fourth person in Freedom Park, Phokeng.

The four suspects — Prince Komanisi, 31; Ishmael James Saka, 27; Prosperous Mthunzi Skhosana, 42; and Thabang Jalvane, 33 — appeared in the Bafokeng magistrate's court in Tlhabane on Wednesday. 

They were charged with kidnapping, extortion and business robbery. They will appear in court again on Monday for their bail application.

Provincial police commissioner Lt-Gen Sello Kwena thanked police officers and other roleplayers for working diligently.

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