Bail denied for Zimbabwean accused of raping girlfriend's daughter, aged 8

Accused said he should get bail as he was the breadwinner

The girl, 8, was allegedly raped on April 27 when her mother left her with the accused and their five-year-old child.
The girl, 8, was allegedly raped on April 27 when her mother left her with the accused and their five-year-old child.
Image: 123RF/Andreypopov

The Atteridgeville magistrate's court on Wednesday denied bail to a 42-year-old Zimbabwean man accused of raping his girlfriend’s eight-year-old daughter. 

The accused and the mother are in a relationship and were living together at Phomolong informal settlement in Atteridgeville.   

On April 27, the girl was left at home with the accused and the couple’s five-year-old child while the mother went to work. The accused was working night shift on that day.

The two children were sitting in the sitting room watching TV and the five-year-old left her sibling and went to the toilet. The man then called the victim to his room and allegedly raped her.

“When the younger child returned to the sitting room and could not find the victim, she called out for her. It is alleged that the father responded from the room and told the younger girl that the victim had gone to the shops,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana said. 

 When the mother arrived and the accused had gone to work, the younger child told the mother that the accused had lied and said the victim had gone to the shops while she was still inside the house.   

When questioned, the victim alleged the man raped her and had been raping her. The mother then took the child to the police station where they reported the matter.   

The accused was arrested the next day when he returned from work.

“In court, the accused denied committing the offence. Through his legal representative, he asked to be released on bail, because he was a breadwinner for the family and needed to continue to provide for them,” Mahanjana said. 

However, prosecutor Belinda Williamson opposed bail and told the court the accused had committed a serious offence.

The matter was postponed to Thursday for transfer to the regional court. 


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