Free State doctor shot at hospital living quarters

A doctor in the Free State was shot at the secure doctors' quarters at the hospital by unknown assailants. Stock photo.
A doctor in the Free State was shot at the secure doctors' quarters at the hospital by unknown assailants. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF

A 26-year-old male doctor was shot during a burglary at Mofumahadi Manapo Mopeli Regional Hospital in QwaQwa, Free State, on Tuesday.  

The wounded doctor was rushed into theatre and is recovering in ICU. 

Free State health department spokesperson Mondli Mvambi said the burglary by unknown assailants occurred at the secure doctors' quarters at the hospital.

Health MEC Mathabo Leeto expressed shock at the shooting. 

“Life is precious and violent crime is a negative indicator of our development as a country. We condemn this shooting and other incidents of violent crime in society,” said Leeto.

“The incident will be investigated so we can take further steps to tighten security in our health facilities. We thank God for preserving the life of our doctor.”


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